
Release NotesIconUiExpandCollapseDown





Mobile Navigation

Our mobile screens have less room to perform just as many actions (sometimes more). The options to progress forward and backward should remain clear, but concise.


Icon-Only: You have two options here—a back arrow and a forward arrow. No other icons should be used to navigate.


Back: Anytime they can revisit the previous item or screen in a series. Should only be represented by the icon, never labeled.


Navigating Back

The option to go back in a series of screens should only ever be represented by the arrow icon. We choose not to use the back label in case it runs into the current title’s screen. These are the only two options and don't combine them.

Don't spell out “back” and clutter the nav bar.

Don'tspell out “back” and clutter the nav bar.

Do use the back icon for the option to revisit the last screen.

Douse the back icon for the option to revisit the last screen.

We also don’t label the previous screen because they were just there! No need to remind them already.

Don't distract from the current screen’s title and purpose.

Don'tdistract from the current screen’s title and purpose.

Do use only the icon for clarity and consistency across screens.

Douse only the icon for clarity and consistency across screens.

Reversing Course

Whether the user is going back, closing a one-off task or canceling changes, the option to reverse course should always live in the top left. Save the top right for moving forward, whatever the context.

Don't confirm or move forward anywhere but the top right.

Don'tconfirm or move forward anywhere but the top right.

Do put Close or Cancel in place of the back arrow when appropriate.

Doput Close or Cancel in place of the back arrow when appropriate.

  • The guidelines for "going back" don't apply for Android because of the built-in back button.