
Release NotesIconUiExpandCollapseDown







Content Selection



Call out the object or group to be affected by an action.

These visuals tie a selection to the primary action (most likely a button).


Selectable content items have three states: default (unselected), hovered and selected. States are important in showing whether the content is selected or not (unselected and selected) and to signal to the user that content is selectable (hovered). All forms of our content selection patterns below have all three states.



This type is best suited for text-based selectable regions with visible backgrounds, like a table-cell. If a user selects a piece of associated content, this can be coupled with the edge type.


If a user selects a piece of associated content, place a 4px stripe adjacent to the content. This type doesn’t have a multi-selection mode.


Best suited for visual content, such as video thumbnails on a grid, that don’t have a defined background. Inset a thick 4px outline on the content when it’s selected. In a multi-selection mode, be sure to use the mark type as well.


Only use this for multi-selection mode. The mark denotes that multiple items can be selected. An example of this would be selecting a group of videos to share. The mark should typically be used in conjunction with one of the other types. More details are available on the select mark page.


There should be no changes to how content is selected on mobile, but special attention should be given to tapping and gestures. To match content selection on the web, make use of hover styles for tapping content when the tap opens an item or new view.


Background Region

The background color should stretch to the edges of the selected region.

Don't partially fill a background region.

Don'tpartially fill a background region.

Do fill the entire background with the appropriate selection color.

Dofill the entire background with the appropriate selection color.

Background Dividers

Dividers adjacent to a selected (or hovered) region should be replaced with Level 0 lines.

Don't use level accents to divide a selected region.

Don'tuse level accents to divide a selected region.

Do replace dividers with edge-to-edge Level 0 lines to emphasize the user's selection.

Doreplace dividers with edge-to-edge Level 0 lines to emphasize the user's selection.

Edge Placement

When a selection reveals additional content, the Select Edge should always be on the side adjacent to the revealed content. This helps associate the item with the content and is consistent with tab navigations.

Don't place the edge on the opposite edge of the related content.

Don'tplace the edge on the opposite edge of the related content.

Do place the edge adjacent to the related content.

Doplace the edge adjacent to the related content.

Mobile Navigation

When displaying different portions of the app on mobile devices, rely on both background and edge to communicate placement.

Don't choose a different means of indicating an active tab.

Don'tchoose a different means of indicating an active tab.

Do use show selection adjacent to the viewing content.

Douse show selection adjacent to the viewing content.

Text Contrast

Use increased text contrast for selected and hover states of text-based selectable items. On the flip side, unselected items may have reduced contrast to support the selected item.

Don't use low contrast text color for selected content.

Don'tuse low contrast text color for selected content.

Do increase text contrast to emphasize selectable and selected content.

Doincrease text contrast to emphasize selectable and selected content.


Light Environment

LE Selection Outline0, 156, 227, 1
LE Selection Outline Hover0, 156, 227, 0.5
LE Selection Bg230, 247, 255, 1
LE Selection Bg Hover240, 250, 255, 1
LE Selection Edge0, 156, 227, 1
LE Selection Edge Hover127, 215, 255, 1
LE Selectmark Unselected19, 41, 63, 0.65
LE Selectmark Unselected Hover0, 156, 227, 1
LE Selectmark Selected0, 156, 227, 1
LE Selectmark Selected Hover19, 41, 63, 0.65

Dark Environment

DE Selection Outline0, 156, 227, 1
DE Selection Outline Hover0, 156, 227, 0.5
DE Selection Bg0, 56, 82, 1
DE Selection Bg Hover0, 44, 64, 1
DE Selection Edge0, 156, 227, 1
DE Selection Edge Hover0, 103, 150, 1
DE Selectmark Unselected230, 242, 255, 0.65
DE Selectmark Unselected Hover0, 156, 227, 1
DE Selectmark Selected0, 156, 227, 1
DE Selectmark Selected Hover230, 242, 255, 0.65


  • Stick to the guidelines above.
  • Stick to the guidelines above.
  • Stick to the guidelines above.