
Release NotesIconUiExpandCollapseDown


Data VisualizationIconUiExpandCollapseDown





Segmented Bar



Represent data by frequency distribution in a segmented bar.

Use segmented bars to visually compare data frequency across multiple values within a bar of segments.



The segmented bar allows single or multi selection when clicking or tapping on individual bar segments. When selected, the bar segment and text turn blue and the percentage value is replaced with a check mark.

View Modes

Segmented bars can be viewed in the collapsed and preview view modes for data cards.


When displayed in the collapsed view mode, the segmented bar omits labels and percentages and acts as a mini-preview.

  • Mobile: When tapping the mini-segmented bar, the view mode should switch to preview in order to make selection easier for the user. The selected segment within the bar should be selected and displayed before switching to preview mode.
  • Web: When hovering or focusing on a bar segment, tooltips are displayed which include the label value of that segment. On click, the bar segment should be selected.


In the preview view mode, the full segmented bar is always displayed.


Module System

Segmented bars are part of the module system, and should only be used within data cards. Segmented bars should be used to filter content using multiple data set options. Segmented bars should be used to filter content between two and four data sets which are meant to be viewed separately.

Don't use segmented bars outside of data cards.

Don'tuse segmented bars outside of data cards.

Do use segmented bars within the module system.

Douse segmented bars within the module system.

Don't display a long, complex set of data in segmented bars.

Don'tdisplay a long, complex set of data in segmented bars.

Do choose segmented bars to display smaller, and more common, data sets.

Dochoose segmented bars to display smaller, and more common, data sets.

Don't indicate empty data segments can be filtered.

Don'tindicate empty data segments can be filtered.

Do display no data segments alongside others.

Dodisplay no data segments alongside others.



The labels on each bar segment should be as short as possible without becoming arbitrary or difficult to understand. Ideally, bar segment labels should be between one and five characters. Longer labels are acceptable as long as there are a limited number of bar segments that allow the characters to be read without running into adjacent bars.

Don't use verbose labels in bar segments.

Don'tuse verbose labels in bar segments.

Do write concise, logical labels in bar segments.

Dowrite concise, logical labels in bar segments.


Use descriptions when the label isn't enough

Sometimes the button label alone isn't enough to properly convey the meaning intended. For example, a segmented bar for “Ball Carriers” might have labels that include the players' numbers, but omit the name for space. By adding their full names as descriptions, we can provide that extra information via ARIA attributes for screen readers and tooltips for all other users.

Don't use tooltips to provide unnecessary information or directions.

Don'tuse tooltips to provide unnecessary information or directions.

Do use tooltips to display a concise description when labels could be misunderstood.

Douse tooltips to display a concise description when labels could be misunderstood.

Don't omit tooltips in collapsed view mode.

Don'tomit tooltips in collapsed view mode.

Do include the clip count in parenthesis after the description or label in the tooltip.

Doinclude the clip count in parenthesis after the description or label in the tooltip.

Keyboard support

Tab navigation is fully supported by default. Users can press enter to toggle the selection of an item.

Audit Results

See our full accessibility audit for more information about these results.

ReactIconConfirmation PassIconConfirmation PassIconConfirmation Pass
React NativeIconWarning WarningsIconCritical ViolationIconWarning N/A
  • IconWarningAnimation is not disabled if user sets reduced motion preference. (AAA)
  • IconWarningText is clipped if the user sets the system to a larger font size.
  • IconCriticalThe accessibilityState property needs to be used to show selection state.


Data Card

Card Group

Data Visualizations

Module System


Platform Support

The segmented bar is available for React and React Native.