
Release NotesIconUiExpandCollapseDown


Data VisualizationIconUiExpandCollapseDown





Data Table



Organize static data for easy consumption and understanding.

The data table allows both Hudl and the user to clearly display large sets of information for the sake of visualizing data.

Version 5+
If using Uniform Version 5 or later, please refer to our Storybook docs for the Data Table documentation and examples.

This goes beyond box scores and stats reports to any instance where the numbers could be accessed, analyzed and acted upon—including rosters, schedules and payment history.


Every data table is comprised of one or more headers, rows, columns, cells and the occasional footer.

Lg Rank4202018

Header: Clearly classifies the contents of that individual row or column.


Cell size is informed by content size. Consider view density and the amount of content when choosing between the four available options.

Rawle Alkins20SG6'5"225 lbs
Chandler Hutchinson15SF6'7"197 lbs
Zach LaVine8PG6'7"200 lbs

X-Small: For super dense interfaces, not super dense tables.


In some cases, like a very dense and/or long table, use styling to break up the content and make things more digestible.

Lg Rank4202018

Default: With tons of content packed closely together, dividers help the user separate individual pieces of info.


While the data itself is static, the table can be manipulated to make consumption a little easier.

Rawle Alkins20SG6'5"225 lbs
Chandler Hutchinson15SF6'7"197 lbs
Zach LaVine8PG6'7"200 lbs

Fixed Header: If the table is comprised of many rows, use a fixed header to help the user keep tabs on what’s what.


Uniform data tables should only be used on desktops. Instead, when designing for mobile use the table view to accurately display information if it makes sense. Data tables will be displayed in single-column views, so in cases when it is important to display more than one column of information at a time, consider designing a separate view with the information in a different presentation, like a list.



Data table content should never be centered. For all names, titles and other text, align left. Numbers stay on the right.

Centered content becomes more difficult to scan as the table becomes more dense. Give the user a line, however (in)visible, to track alongside.

Don't center the content in every cell, regardless of table size.

Don'tcenter the content in every cell, regardless of table size.

Do align left or right depending on content type.

Doalign left or right depending on content type.


It's important for accessibility purposes that we always include a title that describes the content of the table. It is okay to use a different text element, rather than the table title component in Figma, as long as the developer knows to connect that element to the table using aria-describedby.

Don't use a data table without a title or caption.

Don'tuse a data table without a title or caption.

Do add concise titles to describe the data table content.

Doadd concise titles to describe the data table content.


Numbers and text may be linked to connect content within Hudl, like a video, playlist or highlight. Use any type except button.

Just don’t go too crazy with linked content. Wherever you take the user should tie directly to the table they’re studying. Don’t totally change context with the option to check a tutorial or contact support.

Don't link to several external sources and interrupt the experience.

Don'tlink to several external sources and interrupt the experience.

Do link to any Hudl content feeding that specific table.

Dolink to any Hudl content feeding that specific table.

Text Formatting

Bold text is reserved for headers, nothing in the cells. Aside from that, you shouldn’t have to format the text at all. Too many different styles and the whole table becomes illegible.

Don't mix formats in an effort to call out key information.

Don'tmix formats in an effort to call out key information.

Do feature data that exists well on its own.

Dofeature data that exists well on its own.

Multiple Lines

Wrapping may happen, but never force a line break. Stick to the microcopy guidelines below and you should be safe with a single line.

Don't use line breaks to put tons of content in a single cell.

Don'tuse line breaks to put tons of content in a single cell.

Do keep things brief to avoid natural breaks.

Dokeep things brief to avoid natural breaks.


Should your table include selectable content, the select mark will indicate the user may take action on multiple items.

Selectable content is the only time a hover state should be applied to the data table.



Like other UI labels, table headers should adhere to title case, no complete sentences and definitely no punctuation.

Abbreviations are encouraged in the case of a tight squeeze—again, no periods. Just stick to the first three letters of the word itself. If the full meaning is lost, use the three letters that makes things most clear.

Don't get too detailed with what’s in the table.

Don'tget too detailed with what’s in the table.

Do keep things tight and tidy.

Dokeep things tight and tidy.

Cell Content

Each cell should only contain one piece of data. Default to spelling things out, but if space becomes an issue, feel free to abbreviate.

Numbers should always be cardinal, no 1st, 2nd, etc. Use whole numbers whenever possible, and be sure to include % anytime it is a true percentage.

Display all phone numbers with hyphens to make the full string more legible.

Complete sentences should never appear as cell data.

Null States

If a null state appears because the user didn’t complete that information, leave the entire cell blank. It’s the clearest way to indicate nothing has been added.

Should a null state be the result of an incomplete calculation—numbers only—use a double hyphen. If the calculation would be a percentage, include that symbol, as well.

Don't create a null state that could be confused for content.

Don'tcreate a null state that could be confused for content.

Do provide appropriate clues for what content belongs.

Doprovide appropriate clues for what content belongs.

If the cell is simply not applicable to that user or their current workflow, opt for “n/a”.

Only use the number 0 for that actual sum.


Audit Results

See our full accessibility audit for more information about these results.

ReactIconConfirmation PassIconCritical ViolationIconConfirmation Pass
  • IconCriticalRows cannot be selected using the keyboard.


  • Stick to the guidelines above.